Monday, December 26, 2022

Understanding Wokeness as a Make-Work Strategy for the Management Class

Link to article referenced in the video podcast above:
Wokeness, the Highest Stage of Managerialism
Well-educated progressives wield institutional power to impose a new political and social order.

Top Excerpts Transcript

[ 09:45 ] The Consultant/Management class finding an ideology that allows them to be decide distribution of wealth

...basically looking to find relevance and jobs for themselves because we have this bloated cadre of liberal arts majors who their path to control and prestige is by finding an ideology that allows them to intermediate in terms of the distribution of resources...

[ 18:55 ] The Consultant/Management class as moral leaders demanding tithes from the productive classes or else we will burn in Hell

In Western countries truckers are melting down, farmers are just going totally wild and all of it is because in the productive economy people are tired of paying more and more tithes, especially in Europe. All of this is sort of situated in basic taxes on things that working-class people need to actually work gasoline. The gas tax in Europe which you know the managerial class says is it's for the good of everyone, it goes to things we all need like the environment.

It is really reminiscent of a tithe in medieval society, where if you don't pay 10 or 15 percent of your harvest to the church we're all gonna die, you will literally go to hell and your immortal soul will be down there forever. And this tithe goes to sort of feather the nests of these increasingly out of touch moral leaders of the flock.

The gas tax these days it doesn't really go to road maintenance it goes to hiring more consultants. These liberal arts majors are not going to get hired by Ford, they're not going to get hired by Exxon they're not going to get hired by anyone and so at the end of the day this class imposes a rising cost on ordinary productive class people by hiring their own kind.

...which is contributing to....

all of these freakouts like the Canadian tractor protests the stated reason was that these vaccine mandates but you didn't have to scratch the surface very much to find people complaining about overzealous regulation, rising taxes environmental fees and so on and with no commensurate rise in wages. This class of managers who tell us all that well you know we really have to pay them 20 percent of our income in taxes and fees because otherwise we're all gonna die like the planet will literally be consumed by fire (doomsday environmentalism)...

...these people they sooner or later going to hit a ceiling where they are trying to squeeze the peasantry for more tithe money and it's going to cost more than it generates ...what will that will produce politically?

...this is behind the immense and incredibly dangerous polarization in the US right.

[ 26:19 ] Refusal of the liberal arts soft science majors to realize their low worth, and accept their proper place working at McDonalds.

What is already happening in countries where both the working class and the managerial class struggling is the self-reinforcing cycle of violence and polarization.

One class says well you know I can't get enough to live we have to rob someone else and we have to pass different political laws to make sure that we get to rob our enemies of stuff then you know people react on the other side saying well you know all of these liberal demons or whatever, we can't keep living like this we have to push back the pushback generates its own pushback and off you go.

[ the Choice ]

are we going to
  1. squeeze the nurses for more income make life harder for truckers and farmers...or
  2. are we gonna say to the managers and the consultants "sorry liberal arts major Manager/'re gonna have to work at the local burger joint".

If you pick option A, and screw over the truckers screw over the nurses and so on, sooner or later you're gonna start seeing the same sort of social explosions that you're seeing in the Netherlands that you saw in the U.S, that you saw in Canada, and they're just going to get worse over time but if you say

"oh well you know sorry uh I guess you can find a job at McDonald's I'm sorry but two environmental consultances is more than enough for a city municipality of 20,000 people"

...if you say that to these management/consultant people, they're going to start really really messing things up and they know how to do that because in some ways they're overrepresented in a lot of institutions with a lot of social and political heft in the West.

End Excerpts Transcript

My Take:

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Russia 2022 : Liternoye Assassinations of Executive Leadership by Vladimir Putin

Prerequisite historical economics: Gazprom is the state oil enterprise that historically has brought income to Russia by pipeline export to Germany and Europe. Gazprombank is the (massive) monetary transational enterprise connected to Gazprom exports.


  • Leonid Shulman [ head of Gazprombank ] found stabbed in his home in St. Petersburg.
  • Feb 25. Alexander Tyulyakov [ former Gazprom executive ] found hanged in his apartment garage in St. Petersburg.
  • Feb 28. Mikhail Watford Tolstosheya [oil/gas tycoon from Ukraine ] found hanged in his home in UK.
  • April 18. Vladislav Avayev [former vice president of Gazprombank, Gazprom ], along with wife and daughter. Mode of death: gun shots. Gun in Vlad's hand. Location: Moscow.
  • April 20. Sergey Protosenya [Exec at Novatek natural gas], along with wife and daughter. Mode of death: Sergey was hanged, his wife and daughter hacked and stabbed to death. Location: Spain.
  • Vasily Melnikov [ MedStom medical ]. Vasily, his wife and two minor children were stabbed to death in their own home. Office of Foreign Assets Control Sanctions Entry


Vladimir Putin — the ‘liternoye’ killer [ ]

Here are all the Russian oligarchs who’ve died under strange circumstances this year [ ]


Related Tools

United States Sanctions Search Tool

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Putin Analysis By Vlad Vexler

I've discovered political philosopher Vlad Vexler and endorse the majority of the insights in the following videos. None of the following are a general contempt or hatred of Russia and the Russian people that has become a new norm of Western progressives. One of the best takeaways from these analytics is the concept that there isn't a Russian citizenry, but rather Russian people living on a territory.

The Postmodern Hell Of Russian Propagandan [Youtube Link] offers an analysis that matches up with a lot of others regarding the Putin regime in regards to psychological warfare inflicted primarily on the Russian population and secondly on Europe and North America. The video explores and articulates the distinction between alternative reality propaganda and manipulation of reality propaganda. I recommend watching this video before the "Gone Fascist" video, at least to better understand context.

The REAL Reason Putin's Gone Fascist [Youtube Link] is in my opinion the most important video of ths series. The screenshots below highlight rhetorical phrases Putin used in a March 16th, 2022 speech (archived at the Kremlin website The choice of phrases all in a single speech are worth the attention.

The REAL reason Putin might start a nuclear war [Youtube Link] is pure predictive and projection into the future. It is worth watching because of one premise it articulates and promotes which is that the Putin war methodology isn't a plan nor about meeting strategic goals, but rather adhoc escalation, creative destruction of the status quo international order. A gambling strategy of chaos to throwing the chess board in the air and see if the pieces land in way that puts Putin in a better place than everyone Not-Putin.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Origin of Gender Concept

My commentary before the encyclopedia entry.

I don't see any need for controversy on this. I once knew someone with Androgen Resistance Syndrome, they were active in the trans advocacy scene in Olympia/Seattle, and we used to laugh and joke, totally cool person that was cool with me. And that's a key part of the mix, a person on any point, or points, on the sexual spectrum of possibilities has to be just as OK or more with me for the whole tolerance thing to be a thing. I'm an athletic hetero guy that's attracted to intellectual/athletic females with having babies as a big part of that turn on. You have nothing but good to say about that.

But really "cheering on and supportive" is a silly naive concept of allyship. The most enlightened stance is ambivalence along with peaceful coexistence.

Final personal point: Conservatives shouldn't be outraged at other's sexuality. Those with a sexuality that is not having children are in a voluntary extinction program. They pour money into our economy, and then gone.

Final intellectual point: The inventor of the gender concept also says that heterosexuality is ideological. Remember this is in the branch of psychology, not biology. Ideologies don't have babies, biologies do. A fine counter to hetero-is-deological and can be undermined by ideological change, is to be biological and have offspring. One step further is to make your offspring wealthy and fit. The multi-gender proponents can win the ideological war, then they age into a personal life of irrelevance, and then gone.

End personal commentary.

John William Money (8 July 1921 – 7 July 2006) was a New Zealand psychologist, sexologist . He was one of the first researchers to publish theories on the influence of societal constructs of gender on individual formation of gender identity. Money introduced the terms gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation .

In his studies of intersex people, Money found that there are six variables that define sex. While in the average person all six would line up unequivocally as either all "male" or "female", in hermaphrodites any one or more than one of these could be inconsistent with the others, leading to various kinds of anomalies. In his seminal 1955 paper he defined these factors as:

  1. assigned sex and sex of rearing
  2. external genital morphology
  3. internal reproductive structures
  4. hormonal and secondary sex characteristics
  5. gonadal sex
  6. chromosomal sex
and added,

"Patients showing various combinations and permutations of these six sexual variables may be appraised with respect to a seventh variable: 7. Gender role and orientation as male or female, established while growing up."

He then defined gender role as;

"all those things that a person says or does to disclose himself or herself as having the status of boy or man, girl or woman, respectively. It includes, but is not restricted to sexuality in the sense of eroticism. Gender role is appraised in relation to the following: general mannerisms, deportment and demeanor; play preferences and recreational interests; spontaneous topics of talk in unprompted conversation and casual comment; content of dreams, daydreams and fantasies; replies to oblique inquiries and projective tests; evidence of erotic practices, and, finally, the person's own replies to direct inquiry."

Money made the concept of gender a broader, more inclusive concept than one of masculine/feminine. For him, gender included not only one's status as a man or a woman, but was also a matter of personal recognition, social assignment, or legal determination; not only on the basis of one's genitalia but also on the basis of somatic and behavioral criteria that go beyond genital differences.

Later he took the position that heterosexuality is another example of a societal and therefore superficial, ideological concept.

Saturday, June 18, 2022

The Inside Story from Seattle Street Campers: June 2022

Dad and I went and talked to some street campers and a bail bonds lady in Seattle. One guy and his wife from the other side of the Cascades were camping with car and tent because he has multiple hospital visits for a leg thing over several weeks. Another guy moved here from Georgia after his mom died. He was on the street for a while. Then he moved into a shelter and now he helps maintain the shelter. They all warned us to steer clear of the dense encampment by the courthouse. They also said being homeless in Seattle was getting scarier because of tweakers.

We talked to them about the general homeless scene, and the Black Lives Matter protests, and none of them mentioned the lack of nice $600 apartments as an issue for anybody. So I just don't buy that, and all the expert sources I can find online agree that affordable housing is not the main issue for primary homelessness (squatting or sleeping outside.)

I also don't buy the story that "they aren't coming from out of state." For starters, Seattle isn't the whole state. People from Central and Eastern Washington aren't local. The South Sound isn't local. Maybe most of the criminal lowlifes camped out in front of the courthouse are local, but it looks to me like a lot more people are migrating to or through the city because camping is allowed and the city does help them - and of course because there are many luxuries to living in the city - but a lot less if it is overrun with open air drug markets and meth zombies.

I did learn that the ordinary campers aren't the problem. Some of them are actually making dangerous alleys safer. Most are only passing through, or working their way up to a place in a shelter and then a job and paying rent. However the policies which allow them to camp outside while minding their own business also allow crazy and bad people to camp outside, dying in despair, terrorizing everyone, including their fellow street campers. It's not viable.

And it's got almost nothing to do with the cost of housing, except that nobody's going to buy any of those places, build more condos and lower rents under these circumstances.

Monday, February 14, 2022

"Silence is Violence" is Belligerent Hate of Good People

The video footage of a needless murder of an arrested George Floyd emerged and people on all sides of the political spectrum were admitting it was time for police reform. A police reform bill was put forward by a Republican of African-American heritage, and it went nowhere because Democrats said it was not enough. Then those that held the editing power of the BLM website posted these lines which, ironically...marginalized hetero guys like George Floyd:

We are self-reflexive and do the work required to dismantle cisgender privilege and uplift Black trans folk, especially Black trans women who continue to be disproportionately impacted by trans-antagonistic violence.
We build a space that affirms Black women and is free from sexism, misogyny, and environments in which men are centered.
We foster a queer‐affirming network. When we gather, we do so with the intention of freeing ourselves from the tight grip of heteronormative thinking, or rather, the belief that all in the world are heterosexual (unless s/he or they disclose otherwise).

[ See my full list of quotes and analysis here: Black Lives Matter "What We Believe" Translated ]

...and then the massive all summer long property violence with interviewed perpetrators saying "We built this country, we can tear it down".

Mainstream America saw the highjacking of honest reform to serve something else...and they abandoned the pathological extremists.

It is into this chronological context the extremists dared to prominently display the "Silence is Violence" message. I had no reaction to the message until recently when I thought of real life applications in which it breaks into something wrong, then I realized how intolerant and belligerent the message is. It all begins with simple thought experiments.

Think of the archetypical Engineer type, or Science type (I have a Bachelor of Science and was a Software Engineer). They are engrossed in the subject matter of their work, and even outside of work their hobbies and reading interests tilt towards the complex ends of our material world. They may vote, but their conversations and passions are not in sync with social justice rhetoric.

Think of the archetypical Asian Restaurant Entrepreneur type (I'm good friends with a few). They are busy with their work lives. The work incessantly. They save. They try to keep as much of their money within their own family. They push their children to be as privileged and economically powerful as possible. They don't have time nor interest in helping local struggling communities, the historically oppressed, or send some of their wealth to BIPOC groups.

These two archetypes are silent and uninvolved in what the social justice advocates want dialogue on. And it is because these archetypical groups are too busy being more capable, intelligent, relevant and socially redeeming than the social justice archetype.

Pathology, incompetence, illiberalism, intolerance and belligerence are much higher in the social justice camp. When we hear such imposing messages as "Silence is Violence" we should respond with correction and make it plain we revere a few archetypical groups as higher in very real value due to intellect and work ethic over social justice activists.

Let them know their station and those they cut down are actually of greater value.

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Friday, February 11, 2022

Remedy and Inoculation Against Both American Left and Right Ignorance

I've noticed a kind of orthodoxy and USA-first/US-only perspective amongst many on the Left the last few years. Not a patriotic USA-is-great stance, but a focus on US history as the main or only history for reference.

A common rhetorical claim is that we (the US?) has historical amnesia, that these things have not been taught in school. I don't know how anyone gets away with saying such a thing -in my hillbilly Bible Belt Arkansas elementary school we learned of the Trail of Tears, the antebellum Southern slave plantation economy and more before sixth grade. A companion claim is that white people are uncomfortable with these historical facts and trying to suppress the information in schools or general discussion.

And what if this is true amongst some whites, or some particular school districts? (I mean historical amnesia or suppression of some historical events) The last thing I am advocating is enabling such a practice in any academic setting.

What I will advocate is more history, not less. This undoes abuses and prejudices from either extreme. Specifically, more history of the world, treating the US as a small footprint of both time and land area in the mix of it all.

In another of my blog postings The African Slave Traders Who Exported to the Middle East and Asia it undoes the myopic ignorance error of the 1619 agenda by highlighting slave trading beginning around 200 BC that involved no Europeans, only African slave ports created by an African society, Arab slave traders linking west Africa to Arabia/India/China and Arab, Indian and Chinese slave buyers.

I must interject a point here on war in African and Native American cultures regarding slavery - do you know what had to be done with enemies in war? I mean the ones not killed in battle and I especially mean the women and children. They were all either entirely killed or taken into slavery. Muslim kingdoms did this to Eastern Europeans (Ottoman versus Russian). In the case of Africa, the tribal societies made a business out of it, instead of genociding an opponent tribe they got a few foreign made items in exchange for the slaves. Don't wince at this little child, Seattle is named after a native chief that genocided the Chimakum tibe, killing all the men, women and children except a few, with the remaining few taken into slavery [Wikipedia:Chimakum].

How about expanding the mind of an American by finding stories of natives, trappers, colonial forts, and Wild West lifestyle (Cossacks) that is all in Russian territory? How about Russian trade in Hawaii before the US? Or indigenous natives (Ainu) with bows and arrows fighting the Japanese, and the indigenous natives are a combination of white and smaller part Siberian? Or those same Ainu moving north and battling Chinese and Russians, the same Russian agenda of fur trade that is operating in Alaska? Well, the set of Youtube documentaries below deliver on all this and more.