Sunday, July 24, 2022

Putin Analysis By Vlad Vexler

I've discovered political philosopher Vlad Vexler and endorse the majority of the insights in the following videos. None of the following are a general contempt or hatred of Russia and the Russian people that has become a new norm of Western progressives. One of the best takeaways from these analytics is the concept that there isn't a Russian citizenry, but rather Russian people living on a territory.

The Postmodern Hell Of Russian Propagandan [Youtube Link] offers an analysis that matches up with a lot of others regarding the Putin regime in regards to psychological warfare inflicted primarily on the Russian population and secondly on Europe and North America. The video explores and articulates the distinction between alternative reality propaganda and manipulation of reality propaganda. I recommend watching this video before the "Gone Fascist" video, at least to better understand context.

The REAL Reason Putin's Gone Fascist [Youtube Link] is in my opinion the most important video of ths series. The screenshots below highlight rhetorical phrases Putin used in a March 16th, 2022 speech (archived at the Kremlin website The choice of phrases all in a single speech are worth the attention.

The REAL reason Putin might start a nuclear war [Youtube Link] is pure predictive and projection into the future. It is worth watching because of one premise it articulates and promotes which is that the Putin war methodology isn't a plan nor about meeting strategic goals, but rather adhoc escalation, creative destruction of the status quo international order. A gambling strategy of chaos to throwing the chess board in the air and see if the pieces land in way that puts Putin in a better place than everyone Not-Putin.

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