Monday, December 26, 2022

Understanding Wokeness as a Make-Work Strategy for the Management Class

Link to article referenced in the video podcast above:
Wokeness, the Highest Stage of Managerialism
Well-educated progressives wield institutional power to impose a new political and social order.

Top Excerpts Transcript

[ 09:45 ] The Consultant/Management class finding an ideology that allows them to be decide distribution of wealth

...basically looking to find relevance and jobs for themselves because we have this bloated cadre of liberal arts majors who their path to control and prestige is by finding an ideology that allows them to intermediate in terms of the distribution of resources...

[ 18:55 ] The Consultant/Management class as moral leaders demanding tithes from the productive classes or else we will burn in Hell

In Western countries truckers are melting down, farmers are just going totally wild and all of it is because in the productive economy people are tired of paying more and more tithes, especially in Europe. All of this is sort of situated in basic taxes on things that working-class people need to actually work gasoline. The gas tax in Europe which you know the managerial class says is it's for the good of everyone, it goes to things we all need like the environment.

It is really reminiscent of a tithe in medieval society, where if you don't pay 10 or 15 percent of your harvest to the church we're all gonna die, you will literally go to hell and your immortal soul will be down there forever. And this tithe goes to sort of feather the nests of these increasingly out of touch moral leaders of the flock.

The gas tax these days it doesn't really go to road maintenance it goes to hiring more consultants. These liberal arts majors are not going to get hired by Ford, they're not going to get hired by Exxon they're not going to get hired by anyone and so at the end of the day this class imposes a rising cost on ordinary productive class people by hiring their own kind.

...which is contributing to....

all of these freakouts like the Canadian tractor protests the stated reason was that these vaccine mandates but you didn't have to scratch the surface very much to find people complaining about overzealous regulation, rising taxes environmental fees and so on and with no commensurate rise in wages. This class of managers who tell us all that well you know we really have to pay them 20 percent of our income in taxes and fees because otherwise we're all gonna die like the planet will literally be consumed by fire (doomsday environmentalism)...

...these people they sooner or later going to hit a ceiling where they are trying to squeeze the peasantry for more tithe money and it's going to cost more than it generates ...what will that will produce politically?

...this is behind the immense and incredibly dangerous polarization in the US right.

[ 26:19 ] Refusal of the liberal arts soft science majors to realize their low worth, and accept their proper place working at McDonalds.

What is already happening in countries where both the working class and the managerial class struggling is the self-reinforcing cycle of violence and polarization.

One class says well you know I can't get enough to live we have to rob someone else and we have to pass different political laws to make sure that we get to rob our enemies of stuff then you know people react on the other side saying well you know all of these liberal demons or whatever, we can't keep living like this we have to push back the pushback generates its own pushback and off you go.

[ the Choice ]

are we going to
  1. squeeze the nurses for more income make life harder for truckers and farmers...or
  2. are we gonna say to the managers and the consultants "sorry liberal arts major Manager/'re gonna have to work at the local burger joint".

If you pick option A, and screw over the truckers screw over the nurses and so on, sooner or later you're gonna start seeing the same sort of social explosions that you're seeing in the Netherlands that you saw in the U.S, that you saw in Canada, and they're just going to get worse over time but if you say

"oh well you know sorry uh I guess you can find a job at McDonald's I'm sorry but two environmental consultances is more than enough for a city municipality of 20,000 people"

...if you say that to these management/consultant people, they're going to start really really messing things up and they know how to do that because in some ways they're overrepresented in a lot of institutions with a lot of social and political heft in the West.

End Excerpts Transcript

My Take:

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