Sunday, July 23, 2023

How do Orthodoxy Serving Media entities generate Values Sermons out of non-stories?

How do Orthodoxy Serving Media Entities generate Values Sermons out of a non-story?

Step 1) Individuals serving as watchdogs in social justice or environmental agenda groups obsessively watch in tiny corners of whatever, in this case city permits for tree felling, for an act they consider a breach of their extremist values.

Step 2) Their political activist organization, or informal network of allies, email a likeminded friend who is a journalist in a orthodoxy serving media entity.

Step 3) That journalist goes to their editor and presents the tiny event, and the editor decides if the story is inflatable from tiny non-story to a possibly viral values statement.

Step 4) The published values sermon reaches other like minded values extremists across the nation and world. 

Key point with the above is a niche and very miniscule amount of people leveraged their values into appearing demographically larger, this is a minority and extremist view presenting itself purely in a light of virtue and a normalized set of values.

"Tree advocates[ extremist watchdogs ], already concerned about the city’s dwindling tree canopy, spotted the permit to fell the giant evergreen, and activated their network[ contacted their likeminded journalist friend at orthodoxy serving media ]."

The Non-Story Inflated Values Sermon:

ORTHODOX, (from Greek orthodoxos, “of the right opinion”), true doctrine and its adherents as opposed to heterodox or heretical doctrines and their adherents. The word was first used in early 4th-century Christianity by the Greek Fathers.

Amazon Author Page : Lance Miller. Show your support simply by buying a book, Autistic Crow Computer is one of the better ones.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023


Amazon Author Page : Lance Miller. Show your support simply by buying a book, Autistic Crow Computer is one of the better ones.

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Parents That Trans Their Child Will Cause A Forever War

Undercover: Trans Indoctrination Training for Educators

The Alt Right Intends No Harm to Law Abiding Citizens     █     The Left Intends Harm to Normal and Patriotic People

The “racist” Alt Right doesn't even intend to cause harm to anyone but criminals or terrorists. They don't even want to restore de jure discrimination. On the other hand the Progressive Left overtly and sincerely intends to institute de jure discrimination and cause harm to honest and patriotic people.

Amazon Author Page : Lance Miller. Show your support simply by buying a book, Autistic Crow Computer is one of the better ones.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Muslim mass destruction and mass uprising in France

Mainstream Media Incapable of Critical View of Immigrants:

Amazon Author Page : Lance Miller. Show your support simply by buying a book, Autistic Crow Computer is one of the better ones.

Saturday, July 1, 2023

US Supreme Court Defends Dissent and Struck Down Compelled Speech

Amazon Author Page : Lance Miller

Colorado Can't Force a Graphic Designer To Create Same-Sex Wedding Websites, Supreme Court Rules -

Below are key points in the reference.

In 2021 the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit … recognized that "Colorado's 'very purpose' in seeking to apply its law to Ms. Smith" was to stamp out dissenting ideas about marriage. [ Despite this admission ] the 10th Circuit held that the state government was within its authority to compel her to create such websites against her will.

The majority did decide Smith's case by appealing to free-expression precedents rather than religious-liberty ones. In other words, the justices didn't say that the faith-based nature of Smith's beliefs about marriage entitled her to an exemption. Presumably, a secular person with moral or factual objections to expressing a particular message would receive all the same protections as a Christian or Muslim objecting on religious grounds. As it should be.

First, I celebrate the Supreme Court's crushing Colorado state law that was designed to stamp out dissenting ideas about marriage. Secondly, I want to celebrate the Supreme Court's nuanced ruling stood against government law designed to stamp out expressing views that run counter to a particular message.

Extrapolating further than the scope of the Supreme Court decision, it gives us the phrases to articulate what is wrong, and what to make happen.

Here is the demand: Pride messaging in the form of anything from large city parades to K-12 school events to corporate employee events cannot have one molecule of coercion or compelled participation.

Demanding a uniform message for a city, for a school, for a company or any other social forum on issues of sexual preference or gender identity is a totalitarian demand. The demand of "love and acceptance" is Orwellian 1984 doublespeak with hate and unacceptance for anyone that doesn't comply. Our rights and freedoms come from laws. The LGBTQ community have all those rights in the US. Demanding "love and acceptance" is a hateful brownshirt march through the streets to find anyone who personally considers non-heterosexuals perverts.

People considering those who are gay or cross-dressers to be perverts is something the Pride Flag agenda very much wants to entirely forever sweep away.

So if you are heterosexual, and have the opinion, a great service you could provide to the maintenance of freedom in your society is to occasionally say people who are gay or cross-dressers are perverts.

Amazon Author Page : Lance Miller. Show your support simply by buying a book, Autistic Crow Computer is one of the better ones.