Thursday, July 22, 2021

Illiberal Left Subcategories

Intersectionality: the more groups of marginalized you belong to, the more authoritative your opinion, the more you get to speak, the more others have to listen, and ultimately the more bounty and privilege should be doled out to you in the revolution. e.g. black lesbian has higher points than black hetero male, and he gets more than white hetero female, etc etc.

Militant Liberation Theology: Being in the top 20% wealthy is evil no matter how nice you are, being in the bottom 20% is to be void of any wrong or guilt in any way. The only redemption for anyone is to end the existence of the top 20% and give the bounty to the bottom 20% (along with intersectional)

Anti-Heterosexual Agenda: Gaslight heterosexuals into not being able to pursue a mate selection strategy via shaming, denial of good looks and fitness as a virtue and desirable, among a myriad of confusion causing rhetorical strategies. The confusion causes disorientation, which is the opposite of orientation. Heterosexual orientation…disorientated…that is the goal.

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