Friday, June 4, 2021

Athletic Women - The Contemporary Feminine Ideal

The photo of two women in dresses is a typical photo from the 1950's in the USA, and the ideal feminine image of that era. The women and their clothes were not meant for anything adventurous such as alpine hiking, trail running, desert camping or hanging out in a gym. 

Social change of the 1960s began to challenge the narrow confines of the 50's woman. In 1967 Katherine Virginia Switzer became the first woman to run the Boston Marathon. 

Men ceased to see outdoor adventures and time at the gym as a "chance to hang out with the guys" and instead saw those as ideal things to do with a girlfriend or wife. 

In the 1980's weightlifting gyms spread across the USA, with early dominant chains such as Gold's Gym. I was involved in that phenomenon in the 80's and 90's, and women were no small minority in those gyms. I was living in the South and Midwest in those years, a part of the country that doesn't trailblaze in social change, and yet as I said, women were in every gym I ever saw.

Feminists might use the image of the 50's to convince us what men want their women to be. In reality it is a rare type of man that would prefer the 50's women over the fit woman with the kettlebell. 

The emancipated woman in the fitness photo, we might assume she is also in law school, or a marketing professional, or a real estate agent operating in an upscale market. Fitness isn't mastered by the dumb, if she's fit she's also smart.

Any man capable of success is going to want a fit educated woman as his partner. Women don't need to worry about being pulled back into the 50's or into the Handsmaid Tale. The men that are going to be able to afford a house, and kids, is demanding...yes demanding...the woman to be fit, smart and rugged. 

Since the 1990's third wave feminism has pushed a more complex dynamic into all this. The latest feminism is proudly unfit, proudly obese, and full of nothing but contempt and hostility for  fit and badass women. Third wave feminism shames fitness and heterosexuality. It is a Mean Girls Club that insults and harasses any woman that is actually strong and intelligent. 

It is important for men, and fit smart women, to keep vigilant and know the Mean Girls Club is just our uglier end of the genetic pool trying to gaslight us into not seeing they are simply the very height of undesirable.

Appendix A: (somewhat related to the above blog entry)
"Men are just interested in big boobs" is a myth spread by fat lazy women. I see that claim plastered all over discussion threads where mostly women are posting. It stigmatizes men as simpletons, negates the trend towards liking fit women, and places a falsely higher value on a body shape fat lazy women tend to have.

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