Tuesday, April 25, 2023

United States: Interpreting the Past: Possible Futures

My blog entry is mostly an endorsement to watch the referenced videos and a spotlight on one of it's predictions. The narrator is Rudyard Lynch, a professional in social/political predictions. I have to admit I'm a fanboy of his videos on history and culture. I've likely read as many books as Rudyard, and thoroughly have my own views. Still, I find his reading list and how he distills and processes his knowledge to be excellent.

  1. Youtube: America’s 21st century(Golden Age, Civil War....) by Whatifalthist
  2. Youtube: The Coming Far Right Backlash by Whatifalthist
  3. Youtube: The 7 Emotions that Push Civilizations by Whatifalthist
  4. Youtube: Supplementary video playlist focused on regional divisions of US culture

The 7 Emotions that Push Civilizations : Envy section.

Definition of envy is the desire to take away someone else's nice things. Insighful on Marxism, Feminism, Social Justice, Postmodernism and the ultimate bundle of them all in Woke. Insightful for a thought experiment of a US civil war with Leftists versus Right.

  1. No ability for self-critique.
  2. Hating others success and wanting to destroy.
  3. Feminists hating other womens beauty and undermining any advantage that beauty might have.

The 7 Emotions that Push Civilizations : Pride section.

Think of European colonization periods of Germanic tribes invading Roman territory and killing peasants, and same type invading as Spanish Conquistadors killing Chalcolithic level civilizations. Insightful for a thought experiment of a civil war with the more violent ends of the Right being driven by the Pride emotion.

Video Quotes and Main Prediction on a 21st Century US Civil War:

...as this video explains [...] all the variables line up statistically for America to have a civil war. The right has so much more punching power than the left.

All things that determine which would win a civil war are:

  1. Loyalty of the Armed Forces
  2. Control of resources food and territory
  3. Militaristic and warlike spirit appeal to aggressive young men
  4. Weapons ownership
  5. Centralized geography

The American Right has a clear powerful advantage over the Left.

America cannot have a civil war given the Right would immediately win. This is similar to how there have been other left-wing movements that have tried to gain power and then have it immediately crushed by right-wing militaries in places like Germany, Argentina, Hungary, Brazil, Chile, Indonesia and many others. The Left believing they'll have a successful Revolution and the public will rise on mass in support of their Revolution only to realize that the countryside and the Army still hate them is a common pattern across history.

...the more developed a country is the more likely it is to go towards right-wing radicalism. [...] this is why (less developed) countries like Vietnam, China or Russia went towards communism while Spain, Germany and Japan (more developed) went for fascism. Not a single Western Christian country and especially no Protestant Germanic countries have ever gone for leftist radicalism. Thus with this precedent established America if it goes in any radical direction will go radical right.

Fanatical Religious Military Dictatorship

The last time the English-speaking world had a severe social and political crisis was with the English Civil war in which the faction that ended up winning in the end was an arch conservative group -the Puritan military dictatorial theocracy. An interesting fact is that the American Civil War was in many ways a repeat of the English Civil War and that the descendants of the parliamentarians settled in the North and the royalists in the South.

(In a 21st Century civil war ) an American version of Oliver Cromwell or a religiously fanatical Army Commander eventually taking over power seems relatively plausible.

Women Loose Nearly All Rights and Become Primarily Mothers

Since social justice has made man-hating socially acceptable and this tends to target more intelligent women young men look for female approval and thus being told masculinity is inherently toxic and oppressive while telling young women that they don't need men, and men are gross ... this will create a horrible counter-reaction in a right wing takeover.

Historically when there's a large class of sexless young men they always cause revolutions or wars. This adds up to conditions that would breed a very sexist movement. A big reason every society ever in human history has been a patriarchy is that in the most blunt terms young men are a more dangerous demographic than young women. Future leaders of the Right looking to convince young men to fight for them could easily pawn off female oppression and controlling women's sex as a powerful way to motivate their base. I don't think the handmaid's tale is likely but I don't think it's impossible.

The reason that women have been so horribly oppressed over history is they simply can't resist a unified patriarchy. The patriarchy has every reason to exploit them due to feminism's man-hating excesses, this would be used as an excuse for why women didn't deserve rights. Although I think the right-wing regime would probably evolve into moderation.

West Coast becomes latest Rust Belt

in a post civil war America with the Red States, and especially the Inter-Mountain zone and Texas, becoming the powerbase of the country...I can see the West Coast becoming the latest Rust Belt.... just like Pennsylvania and Detroit...dominated by rampant drug use, crime, abandoned buildings and brain drain. I can see this in current trends of 2023 without a civil war.

Civil War and the Disgust Factor in Motivation for Right-wing Revolution

The Right backlash may be driven by disgust towards the final stages of Leftist culture. Various stylistic markers such as proud ugliness, anti-fitness and female obesity the Left have strongly asserted into the mainstream are potential targets of Right-Disgust. A large amount of the general population very much including racial minorities could join in with the Disgust reaction.


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