Thursday, October 17, 2024

The Straussian Moment -essay by Peter Theil

After the 911 attack by Islamic Jihadists, who were all educated upper middle class and led by a multi-millionaire, the post war policies of sending wealth from the West to under-developed portions of the world to create more satisfied and happy people was proven false. The Straussian Moment is a famous essay that explores the fallacies of the Enlightenment and Liberalism.

I want to lob some negatives on both Republican and Democrat presidencies. Under both Bush and Obama the US was heavily engaged in "nation building" in those countries we were heavy warring in (Afghanistan Iraq). The US spent billions building roads, building industries (e.g. a poultry processing mega-project in Iraq), and women empowerment institutions in Afghanistan. I think those efforts were more wrong than dropping bombs. Today I am glad Western human rights (really just women, LGBTQ rights) workers got obliterated out of Afghanistan. The military had become a protector of the NGO industrial-complex operations. Something kind of similar is happening in Ukraine. Vote to undo that.

If you are cautious of the URL link, just Google research "The Straussian Moment Peter Theil" to do a deep dive.

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